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be new 예문


  • Well, I may be new to this squad,
    내가 이 부서에 새로 와서 잘 모르긴 해도
  • But it was new for all of us.
    너도 새로운 경험을 했고 하지만 이건 우리 모두에게 새로운 거였어
  • There will be new songs sung about you, Mei Lin.
    당신을 칭찬하는 말이 떠돌아 다닐꺼야. 메이 린.
  • Yes, I'd say that was new!
    ! 그래, 처음 본다고 할 수 있지!
  • There can be new Pods that we are not aware of.
    우리가 모르는 새로운 팟들이 있을 수도 있다.
  • Uh... so how was New Year's Eve at Tucker's?
    터커집에서 보낸 어제는 어땠어요?
  • They've gotta be new, but they're good.
    새로 생겼거나실력이 좋은 거겠지
  • But we were just married, and it was new and...
    하지만 우린 결혼했어 신혼이었고..
  • It could have been New York. I have no idea where it was.
    뉴욕일 수도 있고요 거기가 어딘지도 몰랐어요
  • I know she's a little off, but it's hard to be new here, okay?
    좀 이상한 구석도 있지만 전학생으로 지내는 건 힘들잖아
  • The Cali cartel was New York:
    칼리 카르텔은 뉴욕이었다
  • You must be new to the let them eat cake beat.
    상류사회에 대해 깜깜하군요?
  • You must be new.
    새로 오신 분 맞으시죠?
  • The sky was blue, and high above the moon was new, and so was love
    하늘은 파란색이고 높이 달이 새로운었고, 그래서 사랑했다
  • That'll be new and different.
    새롭고 차별성이 있어야할꺼야
  • It was new to someone.
    누군가한텐 새 차였겠지
  • Well, y-- in my defense, e-mail -- it was new back then...
    어.. Well, y-
  • And so help me, Your Honor, I think it was New Jersey.
    가물가물한데 뉴저지였을 거예요
  • Got it. Since we're gonna be new parents, we should probably all have the same last name.
    네, 알겠습니다 이제 우리 모두 새로운 부모가 됐으니까
  • But ultimately, once the water recedes, there will be new life and new food to benefit all.
    그러나, 궁극적으로, 물이 다시 빠지면, 사냥은 좀 더 쉬워질 것입니다.
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